Audio Noise Reduction Using Butter Worth Filter
Manjeet Singh , Er.Naresh Kumar Garg. "Audio Noise Reduction Using Butter Worth Filter", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V4(2):20-23 Mar - Apr 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Digital filters effectively reduce the unwanted higher or lower order frequency components in a speech signal. In this paper the speech enhancement is performed using different digital filters .In this real noisy environment is taken into consideration in the form of Gaussian noise. The Time domain as well as frequency domain representation of the signal spectra is performed using Fast Fourier transformation technique. MATLAB in built functions are used to carry out the simulation. Gaussian type noise is added using in-built function randn () and keyboard noise is added as a second speech file to the original speech signal. The filters remove the lower frequency components of noise and recover the original speech signal. It is also observed that keyboard noise is typical to remove as compared to Gaussian type but these filters performed well to get sharper spectra of original speech signal.
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Butterworth filter; Gaussian noise; Impulsive keyboard noise; Speech enhancement.