Detecting and Punishing the Selfish Node and its Behavior in WSN
Sujit Kumar Das , Pinaki Sankar Chatterjee , Monideepa Roy. "Detecting and Punishing the Selfish Node and its Behavior in WSN", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V4(2):11-15 Mar - Apr 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
In Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) communication, every node transmits data packets to further nodes and spend its resources like battery power, CPU time and memory. In ideal situation all the nodes forward packets to other nodes according to their requirements .Presence of selfish nodes is a very big issue in WSNs. A selfish node doesn`t forward packets and utilize to its own profit but it is hesitating using personal resources for others. If such activities occurs within most of the nodes in the network, the network is disrupted. Selfish behavior detection and punishment is an essential requirement in wireless sensor networks. In our paper we have described an efficient algorithm for detection and punishment of a selfish node and the necessary action to be taken if the node is a critical node.
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WSN, Selfish node ,Critical node, Replica Allocation , Retransmission Numbers.