Amended Anticipation Model for Fast Exposure of Mischievous Communications in Database Systems
Sushant Yadav, Mrs. Mamta Yadav "Amended Anticipation Model for Fast Exposure of Mischievous Communications in Database Systems", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V6(3):28-33 May - Jun 2016, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract Database Security is an concept that includes the following properties: authenticity (guarantees that a service or piece of information is authentic), confidentiality (absence of unauthorized disclosure of a service or piece of information), integrity (protection of a service or piece of information against illicit and/or undetected modification), and availability (protection of a service or piece of information against possible denials of service caused by malicious actions). Current intrusion detection systems use logs to detect malicious transactions. Logs are the histories of the transactions committed in the database. The disadvantage of using logs is that they need lot of memory. In addition to this sometimes even after a transaction is detected as malicious it cannot be rolled back. In this paper we present a method by which we can overcome the uses of logs and can detect malicious transactions before they are committed. We use specific user-profiles to store the sequence of commands in a transaction and use a prevention model for instant detection of malicious transactions.
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Database Security, intrusion detection systems.