Design and Implementation of a Two-Factor, One Time Password Authentication System
TokulaUmaha I., EsiefarienrheBukohwo Michael"Design and Implementation of a Two-Factor, One Time Password Authentication System", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V5(6):1-4 Nov - Dec 2015, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract Most people now access all the important areas of their life—banking, shopping, insurance, medical records, and so on—simply by sitting at their computer and typing a username and password into a website. Getting access to something this way is called one-factor authentication, because you need to know only one thing to get into the system: the combination of user name and password. In theory, this kind of protection should be reasonably secure; in practice, it`s less and less trustworthy. This paper presents an approach to further increase security using a two-factor authentication scheme. This approach required the user to login with a username and password and also generate a One Time Password which will be sent to his email. The One Time Password will be used for authentication any time the user wishes to access a restricted resource. The one time password as the name implies will expire after a single use and after a period of 60 seconds. The system uses the HMACSHA- 256 algorithm to develop a more secured two factor, one time password. Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) technology and MySQL was used and the frontend and backend respectively and was deployed on a single user computer using Java Bean Open Source Software (JBOSS) application server. The results from the system implementation show a more secured system difficult to compromise.
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One Time Password (OTP), HMACbased One Time Password (HOTP), Time-based One Time Password (TOPT), Cryptography, Email, Authentication.