Support for Creativity and Innovation, Resistance to Change, Organizational Commitment and Motivation
Samuel Ude, Ify Diala"Support for Creativity and Innovation, Resistance to Change, Organizational Commitment and Motivation", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V5(4):1-8 Jul - Aug 2015, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract Some managers view innovative product development and convenient service delivery as necessary to business survival. However, unmotivated employees might negate any gains from the use of innovation. The purpose of this correlational study, grounded in diffusion of innovation theory, was to assess the relationship between creativity and support for innovation, resistance to change, and organizational commitment and employee motivation. A random sample of 81 information technology (IT) professionals from telecom service centers completed an online survey. Simultaneous multiple linear regression was the statistical technique used to analyze these data. The results indicated a poor model with low R2 to significantly predicted employee motivation, F (3, 78) = 5.481, p < .002, R2 = .174. In the final model, support for creativity and innovation were significant contributors to employees’ motivation. Resistance to change was not a significant predictor to employees’ motivation. Ultimately, a manager’s ability to motivate workers is vital for implementing change, particularly when the introduction of technological innovation frequently occurs within an industry.
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employees support, creativity, innovation, resistance to change, organizational commitment, motivation..