Improved Architectural Framework for MANET
M. Durai Ganesh , Dr. G. Gunasekaran "Improved Architectural Framework for MANET", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V4(6):19-22 Nov - Dec 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
We present a framework which implements improved QoS metrics for our mobile adhoc network by considering parameters like packet delivery rate and packet dropping for constant, dynamic and exponential distance between the nodes, traffic patterns. Performance of a typical MANET is investigated with various multicast routing protocols such as MAODV, ODMRP etc. Based on the parameters affecting QoS, routing load and packet retransmissions, this paper systematically analyzes the QoS of MANET routing protocols and concludes with new QoS aware routing protocol. The simulations are being carried out by using Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) tool.
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MANET, Admission Control, Traffic Classification & Scheduling, Buffer Management, Resource Reservation, Packet Jitter, End to End Delay, Band Width, NS2-Tool