Career Development and Turnover in Food and Beverage Industry
Lana Garcia-Martinez , Ify Diala. "Career Development and Turnover in Food and Beverage Industry", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V4(5):43-48 Sep - Oct 2014, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
This The hospitality industry spends nearly $3.4 billion dollars each year on training yet the turnover rate remains the highest of all United States industries. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between training perceptions and turnover intent. Research has shown that employees need to have a sense of self-efficacy to stay committed to the organization. A sample of 400 U.S. employees from the food and beverage industry completed a survey focused on training perceptions and turnover intent. The independent variables included participants’ age, education level, tenure, and income, as well as various aspects of perceptions about the training received. The validity and reliability of the existing surveys were already established so only the Pearson coefficient analysis was necessary for each variable. The analysis resulted in weak correlations of 9 of the 15 independent variables. The results also revealed some consistent trends among the results. The findings indicated that how employees perceive the training and career development they received does affect their turnover intentions. Leaders might use the results of the study to amend and improve current training programs in the food and beverage industry. The knowledge gained from this study may also apply to other industries.
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Food, Beverage, Hospitality, Career, Development.