IJCOT-book-cover International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2023 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 13 Issue - 1
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Zhang Huanyu, Zhang Meihua, Zhou Haolei, Dong Haodong
DOI : 10.14445/22492593/IJCOT-V13I1P303

How to Cite?

Zhang Huanyu, Zhang Meihua, Zhou Haolei, Dong Haodong "Design of a Three-in-One Bionic Chameleon Robot" International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends  vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 13-15, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22492593/IJCOT-V13I1P303 


This paper takes the chameleon that can change its color according to the environment as the bionic research object, from the leg mechanics, head tongue ejection device, and body colour-changing device, and analyzes the feasibility of robot gait and colour-changing ability, realize the motion control of the robot.


Bionic robot, Structural design, Simulation verification, Gear mechanism.


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