IT Capability Framework for Digital Transformation in South African Financial Service Providers
MLA Style:Michael Makgale Modiba, Prof Ray M Kekwaletswe, Moroka Dominic Komati"IT Capability Framework for Digital Transformation in South African Financial Service Providers" International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends 10.2 (2020): 24-39.
APA Style:Michael Makgale Modiba, Prof Ray M Kekwaletswe, Moroka Dominic Komati(2020).IT Capability Framework for Digital Transformation in South African Financial Service Providers. International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends, 10(2), 24-39.
This paper addresses IT capability within South African Financial Service Providers (FSP) with the focus on two contexts, namely FSP context and South African context. The paper uses IT capability model and the Technological, organizational and environmental theory as lenses to deeply understand what and how South African Financial Service Providers experience the digital transformation. The problem is that IT capability is normally discussed in general not specific to context. Following an interpretative philosophy and inductive approach this paper shows that digital transformation within FSP in South Africa is either enabled or inhibited by existing IT capabilities. The paper argues that IT capabilities ought to manifest cognizant of the FSP’s technological, organizational and environmental contexts. The IT capability digital transformation framework conceptualised unpacks the theoretical, practical, and contextual contributions of this paper.
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Digital Business, Digital Transformation, Financial Service Providers, IT Capability, South Africa, TOE Context