An Improved Signature Schema for user Authentication and Privacy of Shared Data for Dynamic Groups in Cloud

International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2017 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 8 Issue - 2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors :  Suri Nilima, G. Sivalakshmi


Suri Nilima, G. Sivalakshmi"An Improved Signature Schema for user Authentication and Privacy of Shared Data for Dynamic Groups in Cloud", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V8(2):39-44 March - April  2018, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Now a days cloud computing provides more attractive features like scalability, low cost, flexibility and easy start for the beginners. By implementing cloud architecture it provides more security of shared data and information in the cloud. The sharing of data throughout group members to preserves data and also provides privacy from untrusted users. By providing privacy from untrusted users, it will also grants access of data from the cloud to group members. Before giving access permission of each group member, the group key manager will perform the authentication process of each group member. After completion of authentication process the group manager will generate secret key for all group members and send to all group members. Each group member will get secret key and perform the encryption process. After completion of encryption process the group member will stored the cipher format data into cloud. If any group member wants that particular file it will check access permission of group members and give the permission for download the file. In this paper we are implementing the Prime order Acknowledgment protocol for user’s verification process and also get same secret key of all users. After completion of authentication and key generation process it will encrypt the shared data by using byte shuffle encryption algorithm. By implementing those concepts we can provide scalability and also provide more flexibility of shared data in cloud.


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Signature, Authentication, Cryptography, Dynamic Groups, Cloud Computing