Analysis of Senerio Based Security Protocols using MPLS VPN Network
MLA Style:Shahjehan Khalid, Raheela Nasim "Analysis of Senerio Based Security Protocols using MPLS VPN Network" International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends 8.6 (2018): 14-16.
APA Style:Shahjehan Khalid, Raheela Nasim (2018). Analysis of Senerio Based Security Protocols using MPLS VPN Network. International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends, 8(6), 14-16.
The Internet continuously increase time by time in terms of bandwidth, number of hosts, geographic size, and traffic volume. As the Backbone network is suffering from congestion, traffic shaping, Load balancing over unequal cost path, increasing number of user, scalability and some other critical issues the MPLS is the only one solution, which is performing its best functionalities using some applications like traffic engineering, MPLS VPN. By implementing traffic engineering in backbone area bandwidth resources are optimized that results to reduce the overall cost of operations. MPLS also enhance the core network security due to its label switching functions. But the main security issues on MPLS VPN core network are if someone try to connect VPN from public network to MPLS VPN core network then it may be a security risk because public network used by everyone, footprint applies, trace the data packets and compromise the network security. Encryption, decryptions applied on traffic or data packets that come from public network to MPLS core network by implementing different methods/strategies. MPLS has become widespread and has been several deployments by service suppliers in their networks. The results of MPLS network will be calculated by using network simulator like (Packet Tracer, GNS3 etc.). The work exhibited in this exploration will show results from simulations using optimal fuzzy based algorithm for traffic engineering and congestion avoidance.
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Bandwidth, Congestion Traffic, Load Balancing, MPLS VPN Network, Traffic Engineering, Security Protocols.