Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey

International Journal of Computer Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2012 by IJCOT Journal
Volume-2 Issue-4                          
Year of Publication : 2012
Authors :  Avhad Kalyani B.


- Avhad Kalyani B   "Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey" . International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V2(4):14-18 Jul - Aug 2012, ISSN 2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Wireless Sensor network is the network of sensors. The sensors are the nothing but the small devices which have the sensing ability, storage capacity and also the energy or the power storage. The function of the sensors is to sense the environmental conditions like temperature, humidity and send this information to a device or node called sink node or base station. There are number of sensors in the network. All the sensors sense and transmit the data to a single sink node at the same time, which can cause the congestion. This is an important issue because the congestion can cause the data packet loss or delay in the network. It also reduces the system throughput. There are number of protocols which can control the congestion. This paper includes a survey of 3 protocols: “A Fairness-Aware Congestion Control Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, “ECODA: Enhanced Congestion Detection and Avoidance for Multiple Class of Traffic in Sensor Networks” and “Upstream Hop-by-Hop Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks”.


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— Wireless sensor network, congestion control, throughput