An Extensive Survey on Mobile Security and Issues
R.Surendiran , Dr.K.Alagarsamy. "An Extensive Survey on Mobile Security and Issues" . International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V2(1):23-28 Jan - Feb 2012, ISSN: 2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
As wireless communication has been rapidly developed, mobile applications, services are growing much and more popular, like instant messaging, downloading of a variety of contents, mobile commerce, mobile banking, Internet access, etc. Technology advancement has simplified business, enriched the entertainment and made personal transactions more convenient for mobile device customers. Mobile devices such as cellular phone, PDA and smart phone are opened the door to a lot of security threats like malicious code, vulnerabilities of mobile phone, attacks on communication, data robbery and damage, intruders, hackers, virus, spam, eves drooping, tracing, Jung mails, etc. information security will become a critical issue to mobile devices and be of great concern to mobile devices users, just like what computer users do today. This paper wills analysis the various mobile threats and security issues.
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smart phone, malicious code, intruders, hackers, virus, spam.