Laplace transforms and it?s Applications in Engineering Field
Dr.J.Kaliga Rani, S.Devi"Laplace transforms and it?s Applications in Engineering Field", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V5(2):78-81 Mar - Apr 2015, ISSN:2249-2593, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract Laplace transform is a powerful mathematical technique useful to the engineers and scientists, as it enables them to solve linear differential equations with given initial conditions by using algebraic methods. The concept of laplace transform are applied in area of science and technology such as electric analysis communication engineering, control engineering, linear system analysis statistics optics , quantum physics etc. In solving problems relating to there fields, one usually encounters problems on time invariant, differential equations, time frequency domain for non periodic wave forms. This paper provides the reader to know about the fundamentals of laplace transform and gain an understanding of some of the very important and basic applications of there fundamental to engineering field.
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Laplace functions , Dirac delta functions , Inverse laplace , linearity.