A Novel Routing Protocol Based on Potential Difference and Transmission Rate

International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2016 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 6 Issue - 2
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors :  K. Sreedhar, T.PrabhakaraRao


K. Sreedhar, T.PrabhakaraRao"A Novel Routing Protocol Based on Potential Difference and Transmission Rate", International Journal of Computer & organization Trends (IJCOT), V6(2):30-33 Mar - Apr 2016, ISSN:2249-2593, www.ijcotjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract We are proposing a dynamic routing protocol with a hybrid approach of potential fields and transmission in and out parameters. Potential difference computes the time stamp difference between two nodes and number of hops between nodes. Data transmission can be done in terms of QR vector model. In this paper we are proposing a novel routing protocol for optimal path identification based transmission in and out flow of the intermediate .This approach generates the dynamic and secure path with less time complexity and ignores the unnecessary path. Our proposed approach shows more accurate and efficient results than traditional approaches


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Our proposed approach shows more accurate and efficient results than traditional approaches.