Design and Research of Stereo Garage Elevating and Moving Non-motor Vehicle Transversely on Intelligent Control

International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends  (IJCOT)          
© 2020 by IJCOT Journal
Volume - 10 Issue - 2
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors :  Song Xue, MeiHua Zhang, Hao Li, Liang Cai, LiQiang Zhang
DOI : 10.14445/22492593/IJCOT-V10I2P306


MLA Style:Song Xue, MeiHua Zhang, Hao Li, Liang Cai, LiQiang Zhang"Design and Research of Stereo Garage Elevating and Moving Non-motor Vehicle Transversely on Intelligent Control" International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends 10.2 (2020): 40-43. 

APA Style:Song Xue, MeiHua Zhang, Hao Li, Liang Cai, LiQiang Zhang(2020).Design and Research of Stereo Garage Elevating and Moving Non-motor Vehicle Transversely on Intelligent Control. International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends, 10(2), 40-43.


In view of the growing city community residents, and their increasing demands for the use of non-motor vehicles, an intelligent non-motor vehicle parking garage system, leaning on highrise building without taking up underground space, is proposed in this paper. The garage adopts closed frame, and transports non-motor vehicles through vertical slider. The experiments show that three-dimensional garage can deliver non-motor vehicles conveniently and accurately in high-speed. The garage can effectively solve the problems of parking non-motor vehicles everywhere disorderly, large proportion of non-motor vehicles garage and low land use ratio in residential districts.


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Non-motor vehicles, Intelligent stereo Garage, Vertical Slider